Breathwork Personal Growth Spiral
We tend to think of personal growth as a ladder or hill we must climb, but change is more of a spiral than a slope.
I feel more like I’m descending into greater depths of understanding than climbing a ladder.
And with each spiral, I go around previous life lessons and learn them in greater depth.
It isn’t like we complete a rung, are done with our life lessons, and move on to a new one.
Instead, life repeatedly presents the same problems, concerns, and challenges, and with each spiral turn, I bring to bear the previous spiral’s teachings and learning.
I see the same pattern from a different perspective.
Each corkscrew turn highlights my growth as I twist deeper into the marrow of life.
The weight of my experience is bearing down on my next step.
My breathwork experiences often reflect my hesitancy over the next step on my spiral into greater understanding, acceptance and surrender to my path.
I often become still and unmoving when I’m breathing, reflecting on a moment in my life when I’m hesitant to take the step next.
Our inner guidance intelligence usually tells us that we must let go, trust, and surrender to the process.
And with the image of growth as a spiral rather than a ladder, I find it easier to let go and take the next step.
My experience in breathwork is a reminder to come back to life and remain conscious of my experience and my previous turns around in the personal growth spiral.
So whenever you feel stuck in your breathwork, look at where you feel stuck in your life.
Do you need to let go?
Do you need to surrender to the more profound process behind life?
And look back through your other journeys through the spiral and see what lessons you can apply this time around.